More Macro
Photos fresh from the early evening. The long grass is teaming with life. Biology in action.

Pea Macro
Some of the peas we bought were already sprouting in their pods. We put them in a small dish on the kitchen counter.

Macro Photography
More macro photography. I experimented with setting it to the smallest aperture (F27. ) Leaving the camera to choose the speed I generally end up with too lower speed and things looked blury, so I manually set the speed too, setting it at 1/125 second. In the mid-day sunshine, setting the sensitivity to 400 ISO was enough. Things generally came out a little under or over exposed, but that was fairly easy to correct.
Macro Photography
I’ve recently been given a macro lens. I’ve only been practicing a few days now, but these are my favourite shots so far.
I live near a small pond and it’s usually a good place to photograph insects. As it was a sunny day today, I thought I take a look. After circling the pond, there didn’t seem to be munch insect life, till I came across a patch of large daisies which where coved in honey bees.
I got these close ups using a 18-55 mm lens at 55mm with a 20mm extension tube.